Frog Mortar Creek

Bob Pulyer did some research on the origin of the creek's name and here is what he found:

At a time long time ago there was a farmer that farmed the area around where Bengies Drive In is now located. His last name was Thoghmorton, now the spelling might be slightly off but, it was established that the Thoghmorton’s were an English family and they did migrate to the US somewhere in the 1700’s. In the late 1700’s – 1800’s our friends, the map makers, came along and probably could not make out the spelling of his name and the creek was named after the family as Frog Mortar Creek.

So, there you go and now the secret is out again to live in the annals of NSHSA history. I might be able to get an old map of the area in which the farm is marked at some later time if you need it.

Hope this helps!

Then there is similar information found on a fisherman's blog:

and something a little more "colorful" from the same blog...