Commodore's Holiday Message

Snow covers the ground in Rock Hall. The holiday season is here. The town is decorated with lights and Santa has come to town by boat (of course) and by fire engine.  We will soon be going back to Pennsylvania to spend the Holidays with our children and grandchildren.  The sun is setting earlier and earlier each day reminding us our sailing season is over. It is time to reflect on our good fortune and the pleasures of summer past.

But wait, Frank Tedeschi just emailed to say he would help plan the circumnavigation we hope to do around Memorial Day.   Tom Schmidt has been busy organizing the first event of 2018, a winter luncheon at Cutter Marina, 1200 to 1500 on January 27th.  I hope to see you there!    Sailing will be back for 2018.  I will be glad to see all of you again!

Wishing You Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!
