Commodore's Corner
Spring 2010

Well everyone it is time again for the Commodores Corner. Let me begin by saying that this is my last season as an officer of the club. It has been a lot of fun working with all of you over the past 8 years. I have enjoyed the participation of the members as well as the support from the past commodores. Being an officer of the club has afforded me the opportunity to really get to know everyone. So if you think it is a thankless job I cannot disagree with you more.

We had a very successful spring meeting with a good turnout. We once again had a potluck lunch and the food was great. Thank you to Susan Tedeschi for organizing the meeting with Tidewater. Thank you to Tidewater for the chairs, tables, table cloths and the space for the meeting.

At the meeting the results of the survey were discussed – Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. The results will be used to guide us into the future. There were 39 members who responded

The highlights are as follows:

Budget: Marie gave a report on the budget – for questions please e-mail me

Schedule: The schedule is being developed. So far the following activities are planned

What should the club pay for? There will be a vote later in the year to decide this – please have discussions throughout the year. The party will take place so the vote will be do we have both or only the party.

After such a full agenda we had a short time for open discussion because we were all starving. So we adjourned the meeting and ate the delicious food.

Once again we have a full year in front of us. We have a few new members to the club, which is great for all of us. Lets continue to grow as friends and sailing buddies and have a safe summer.

Your Commodore,
